At a glance

A new financial tool to cover the liquidity of your business.

Attica Liquidity Rebound loan is addressed to businesses that need additional working capital and offers:

  • Fixed Competitive Interest Rate: Ensure stability in your borrowing costs throughout the term of the loan.
  • You have a stable repayment rate: Flexible repayment flexibility with a term of up to 6 years, including a grace period.

All you need to know


Amount of Funding
Funding up to €1,000,000 to immediately boost your business.


Interest rate
Fixed, with additional contribution of Law 128/75 (current 0.60%).


Grace period
Possibility of a grace period of up to 12 months, for even more flexibility.


Loan duration
From 2 to 6 years, tailored to your needs.


Loan repayment by debt repayment or interest payments (monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual).


Balloon Repayments
Balloon repayment option of up to 70% of the original principal for a loan term of up to 3 years.