Mr. Christos Alexakis is an Associate Professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Rennes School of Business in France and a Visiting Professor at the Cattolica University in Milan, Italy. He has taught at the Universities of York, Leeds, Bradford, the University of Athens, the University of Piraeus and the Open Universities of Greece and Cyprus. He has been a non-executive member in Attica Bank’s BoD since July 2023.
Mr. Alexakis has published numerous papers in prestigious journals and has published a number of books on finance (Behavioral Finance, Islamic Finance and Banking, Takaful – Islamic Insurance, among others). In addition to his academic experience, Mr. Alexakis has significant professional experience as a CEO in companies in the financial sector.
He has served as an advisor to the government on privatization issues to the Ministry of Development. During 2010-2011, he was CEO of Invest in Greece, the official investment promotion agency for Greece (Enterprise Greece today). Between 2016 and 2020, Mr. Alexakis was a member of the SMSG team of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). He has been a member of the Selection Committee of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund as a representative of the Bank of Greece since 2017. He has participated in the US IVLP professional program. He is a strong advocate of sustainable finance and ESG policies. From July 2023 to February 2025, he participates in the Board of Directors of Attica Bank as a non-executive member and since then as an independent non-executive member.